Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Comments about Mr Lipski's appointment - Heard from people signing the petition !!!

Circulator: Did you hear about Mr Lipski's appointment?
Resident: oh yea, why am I not 'PISSED' off ?


Circulator: Did you hear about Mr Lipski's appointment?
Resident: I read, "he wants to give back and loves this city yada...yada..." if he really wants to save the city, "JUST MOVE TO ANOTHER STATE." !!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mayor Healy Fundraising Event

Resident:  Do you know about Mayor Healy Fundraising event?
Circulator: NO..
Resident: Heard it is at Puccinis on 12/2
Circulator: OH
Resident: But, I dont know whether it is to run again or to defend recall.
Circulator: Howcome, no one in JC gives space to recall team for a fundraising?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What TOMREPNJ thinks of RECALL...

Interesting comment in:

33497. There is as much chance of the Recall Movement getting off the ground
by tomrepnj, 11/16/10 7:15 AM
As I have of Getting in the HCDO Sports Hall Of Fame-[Zero].Jersey City Voters love what the Gang does to them .High Taxes- Dual Jobs -Crime-Perks -Power -Money is a HCDO right of passage..So on to something else to fill the day with.Dpw is very busy the last two days filling up the City cars for the Trip to Atlantic City.Mr "Inside Out 'tells me there will be a camera crew filming the Council people from the Time they get up to the time they go to bed to see if they are doing city business.or just one big party on the taxpayers.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

RAGING Conversation with Mrs Healy !!!

We were standing in front of Stop & Shop in Central Ave with our sound truck and talking in the Bull Horn:

Mrs H: Why are you doing this, you should recall Gov Christie
Circulator1: High Taxes, High Crime...
Mrs H: Gov Christie tried to arrest my husband 2 times.. recall him

(then jay-walks across the street to the Circulator2)

Mrs H: What do you have I want to see that... you won't do that to my husband, an honest man. Recall Christie
Circulator2: You can recall the Governor, if you want
Mrs H: My husband came intoa $50m deficit and Christie is doing this, Recall Christie, why do you want to do this ?
Circulator2: He spends money that we don't have
Mrs H: like what, like what
Circulator2: like approved $67m to move PW & JCIA
Mrs H: thats not going to happen
Circulator2: spending money and then laying off cops
Mrs H: I want to recall Christie
Circulator2: go ahead..

Circulator1 to Ciruclator2: You should have told her, "We should be clear that this is nothing to do with Mayor Healy anything personal. We are fighting on ISSUES and not on PERSONALITIES. This is not about any ones Honesty. This is about ISSUES that the CITY is facing."

Then we moved to Shop Rite in Downtown, where a retired detective (RD) came and told us:

RD:  you should move otherwise, police will come and ticket you
Circulator: we have Sound permit and this is public area.
RD: You are standing on Fire Lane ( there were six other vehicles standing already, he did n't bother to tell them to move...)
Circulator: We'll move.. we moved from there !!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday Nov 10th - City Hall

That was a good amount of signatures in city hall yesterday;

Resident (guess a cop/fire union guy): "You guys should award Jack Kelly, best CIRCULATOR AWARD within recall team"
Circulator: why ?
Resident: "Jack Kelly is going to help you get more signatures than any of you"
Circulator: He might get from Orange and other municipalities too.. lol !!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Resident: Jersey City is like RUSSIA, I can NOT sign, my son works for the CITY, if they see my name, they will fire my son... kick these guys out !!!


Resident: I sold the house, I am moving out in 2 weeks
Circulator: Why did you sell the house?
Resident: $8400 taxes, can not rent the second floor, I am moving to Lyndhurst. This place is SHUT CITY.
Circulator: That is SAD...
Resident: After 60 years, we just want to get out.. Can NOT afford to live here...
Circulator: Atleast VOTE on Nov 2nd, before you leave
Resident: I stopped voting for these crooks long time back, GOOD LUCK !!!


Resident (walking a dog): Please go to this address xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and get signature from my husband. I am not a citizen yet, but he is... we bought the house three years back and we are paying too much taxes and water bill...  please go and get the signature,he is home !!!


Resident(after signing) : Give me a T-Shirt, I will wear and walk around.. !!!
